
Vydavatel: Masarykova Univerzita Brno, 2017

Kategorie: FSpS

Rok vydání: 2017

Velikost knihy: 23,83 MB

ISBN: 978-80-88246-13-8

Poslední aktualizace: 12. 6. 2018

Formát knihy: mKniha

Jazyková kompetence II

Mgr. Jana Kubrická

The aim of this e-learning course is primarily to improve the learner´s academic English, especially language for academic presentations and writing. The course is divided into 2 main sections: Effective presentations and Writing, each comprised of 4 units. In the section on Presentations you can find useful tips and phrases for giving a public speech, the tasks focus on transitions and the differences between written and spoken language. The unit on writing deals with the features of formal writing, grammar and the principles of writing an abstract. The majority of texts were adapted from original literature on sports research, single sentences come from the British Academic Corpus, which means that all of them are authentic English language to help the learner sound more natural.

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